Leiria’s band First Breath After Coma had a full 2019. The excitement came not only due to recording an album, locked in a house, to concerts and collaborations, but also due to the fact that they had their movements followed by a film crew.

Before the world changed to the state we currently live in, We Were Floating High follows First Breath After Coma for an incredible year for the Leiria's band: 2019. In an intense concert that lasted 24 hours, at the A Porta festival. It was Summer, there were no masks, the social distance was more than nil, and the emotions and heat inside the room were high. There are goose bumps that easily pass through the screen. Rui Gaspar, Telmo Soares, João Marques, Pedro Marques and Roberto Caetano will never forget these moments and neither will we. (Helena César)