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Competitive section comprising films by Portuguese young filmmakers. Some directed their film in a school context; others were fearless enough to direct a first film regardless of any support. Portuguese cinema continues to affirm surprising new voices that the festival wants to support and show.

La Leyenda Negra, Patrícia Vidal Delgado, fic., USA/Portugal, 2020, 84′ – National premiere 

Altas as Gaivotas, Marianne Harlé, fic., Portugal, 2020, 17′
Carta a Elba, Helder Faria/Flávio Ferreira/Alejandro Vásquez/Daniela Cajias/Carmen Tortosa, doc., Portugal, 2020, 18′
Club Splendida, Caio Amado Soares, fic., Germany/Portugal, 2019, 24′

Contrafogo, Carolina Vieira, Portugal, doc./exp., 2020, 10’

Estrada para o Céu, Pedro Vaz Simões, fic., Portugal, 2020, 17′
Laniakea Supercluster, Rodrigo Ralha, doc/exp., Portugal, 2019, 11′
Lázaro, Concha Silveira/David Cruces/Alba Dominguez, exp., Portugal, 2019, 8′


Nestor, João Gonzalez, anim., Portugal, 2019, 6′
Ode à Infância, Luís Vital/João Monteiro, anim., Portugal, 2019, 7′
Sábàtina, Rafael dos Santos, anim., Portugal, 2019, 2′

Under Current, Alice dos Reis, Portugal, fic., 2020, 16’

The Sacrifice of the Druids, Reinaldo Pinto Almeida, doc/exp., Portugal, 2020, 7′
Selvajaria, Camila Vale, fic., Portugal, 2020, 33′
À Tarde, Sob o Sol, Gonçalo Pina, fic., Portugal, 2020, 10′
Under Current, Alice dos Reis, fic., Portugal, 2020, 16′

Woman like Tree Flávio Ferreira/Helder Faria/Alejandro Vásquez/ Daniela Cajias/Carmen Tortosa, Portugal, doc., 2020, 18’