Washing Machine

Alexandra Majova

IndieLisboa 2021 •

Czech Republic, Animation, 2020, 5′

Washing clothes, playing an instrument. Simple everyday gestures that are interrupted by the libidinous behavior of a washing machine.

Uma máquina de lavar a roupa cuja luxúria interrompe o mais inocente momento, como tocar guitarra ou tentar dormir um sono profundo. E o mecânico não ajuda. (Ana Cabral Martins)

Director's Bio

Alexandra Májová (née Hetmerová) is a czech illustrator, animator and director. She studied animation at FAMU. In the course of her studies, she spent time at the animation department of the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. She has directed, among others, the student short filming, Swimming Pool (2010) and Mythopolis (2013), which won a number of significant awards both national and international. She currently illustrates children’s books and works on the animated children TV series Hungry Bear Tales (Bionaut production 2021).