The melting of permafrost is a matter of concern in the face of issues related to climate change. In this film, it is a portal for reality to shape itself with fiction, or even myth. Different characters scour the Siberian tundra in search of a rare reindeer or of viable cells from the extinct mammoth. During this odyssey, how do you know when hope becomes an obsession?

The planet continues to warm up, and Siberia suffers from a severe thaw. Holgut presents the consequent issue of this warming, as extinct species reveal themselves on the surface of this catastrophe. The film follows a mysterious adventure of two brothers, who look for the last wild reindeer on the stage of an immense landscape. This species becomes a myth, and the film moves towards the same goal. Nature blends with fable, reality with science fiction, and we are captivated in a hypnotic tale or an eternal spell. Holgut makes a masterful construction of the blurred boundaries between documentary and fiction, making us reflect on the science territory as a possible place of poetry. (Inês Lima Torres)