Around Rocha’s Table

Samuel Barbosa

IndieLisboa 2021 •

Portugal, Japan, Documentary, 2021, 94′

Samuel Barbosa, in his first feature film, explores the creative process of Paulo Rocha (Os Verdes Anos) and his films, through his characters, the artists he worked with and other testimonies of his art.

Director's Bio

Samuel G. Barbosa (born in 1981) has a graduate degree in Audiovisual, Arts and Communication by the Escola Superior Artística do Porto, in Portugal, and a master’s degree in Digital Arts, by the École Européenne de L’Image, in France. He is currently developing investigative work in cinema and working on his doctorate degree at the Faculdad de Bellas Artes, in the Universidade de Vigo, in Spain. Around Rocha's Table is his first film.