Anna and Manon go to the Sea

Catherine Manesse

IndieLisboa 2021 •

France, Animation, 2020, 4′

Anna and Manon have plans for after the summer camp. Specific plans to visit an aunt and imagined plans to live in a cave on the beach, never having to be apart. But when the imagined plans seem to become the real ones, their friendship is tested.

Director's Bio

Born in 1996, Catherine Manesse is a French and Russian animation director. She graduated from the École des Gobelins school of visual arts in Paris in 2018, where she co-directed Caldeira. In 2020 she completed her course at La Poudrière, where she directed Mauviette (one-minute film), Manger des cailloux (broadcast on the French TV channel Tiji), and her graduation film Anna and Manon go to the Sea.