IndieJúnior kicks-off in schools

IndieJúnior is back! We have around 3,500 students signed up to this year’s edition of IndieJúnior Schools, which starts today in schools, running through May 14.

In another atypical year, we reiterate the importance of cinema through films that are both fun and inspirational. This edition in a different format, we open, for now, only the doors to schools, where teachers and students are given the freedom to manage the exhibitions of the sessions they signed up for. After may 14, IndieJúnior is interrupted, returning to theatres between August 21 and September 6, the new dates announced for IndieLisboa, with family sessions.

We count, once again, with the fundamental support from the schools which this year are involved in the educational activity Eu Programo Um Festival de Cinema (I Programme a Cinema Festival), an activity that creates contact between our programmers and these young programmers.

Students from ages ranging from 10 to 15 , in participating schools, curated the films to be exhibited in the sessions that will be presented to all other viewers, through a thorough selection of the received films. To draw up the session for the 2º ciclo The Place of Memories | 10+, we counted with the collaboration of Escola Básica e Secundária Josefa de Óbidos, by the 6ºF class, followed by teachers Carla Lopes and Eduarda Cardoso. For the session for the 3º ciclo Think, Dream and Fly | 12+, the challenge was given toEscola Básica 2,3 Almeida Garrett, by the 9ºA class, followed by teacher Elvira Zanatti and Dr. Elisa Marques, the coordinator for the School Group’s Cultural Programme. 

For this youth public, the programmed films echo urgent narratives and that offer themselves up for debate, like Girlsboysmix,  a truly touching and necessary documentary by Lara Aerts, who addresses the perspective of an intersex child who fights to live authentically with what they feel to be their gender identity, girl and boy at the same time. It describes the story of Wen Long, 9 year old, who, due to being intersex in a binary world, have always questioned themselves about where they belong to – session The Place of Memories | 10+, as well as Louis’s Shoes, a film by the young Théo Jamin, Kayu Leung, Marion Philippe and Jean-Géraud Blanc, that comes up to remind us of the importance of speaking about autism and equal access to opportunity. A film through the eyes of Louis, an autist 8 year old boy, on the day of his arrival to a new school where he realises he can talk about his perspective of the world. In July 96, in the session Think, Dream and Fly | 12 + we follow Sophie and see how she reacts when she finds out this will be her last summer as a child.

In this trip around the world with over 25 films in competition, we show what is the best in recent production in children and youth cinema.

In theatres or in schools, IndieJúnior presents a programme filled with truly surprising films!

Let’s do this?