Herdeiros de Saramago – Ondjaki

The documentaries Herdeiros de Saramago, created by Carlos Vaz Marques, are dedicated to the writers that won the Saramago literary prize. In this session we will see four of these films, about the career and life of João Tordo, Adriana Lisboa, Paulo José Miranda and Ondjaki. The delicate and detailed attentive gaze of Graça Castanheira’s direction allows us to enter in the daily life of these artists, while travelling from the written words to the spoken ones. 
This film is not in English and does not have subtitles in English.

Herdeiros de Saramago – Paulo José Miranda

The documentaries Herdeiros de Saramago, created by Carlos Vaz Marques, are dedicated to the writers that won the Saramago literary prize. In this session we will see four of these films, about the career and life of João Tordo, Adriana Lisboa, Paulo José Miranda and Ondjaki. The delicate and detailed attentive gaze of Graça Castanheira’s direction allows us to enter in the daily life of these artists, while travelling from the written words to the spoken ones. 
This film is not in English and does not have subtitles in English.


Life is made of cycles and Adriano Mendes’s cinema shows us that. After his first feature O Primeiro Verão (best work in Brand New Section, IndieLisboa 2014) – a warm film about youth beginning the affairs of love and Summer – now it’s time to find a job. 28½ follows a young woman in that search, in a gentrified Lisbon, where need, attraction, sharing and the end of love, all come up at the same time and without warning.

Balada de um Batráquio

Balada de um Batráquio (IndieLisboa 2016) gave Leonor Tales the Golden Bear for best short film in Berlin. A personal political gesture against the prejudice towards the romani community, that relocated Portuguese cinema in the search for justice and change.