Death of a President

October 19, 2007. President George W. Bush is in Chicago to address local business leaders. Angry crowds greet him: a massive anti-war demonstration. The mood is volatile, ugly. Security forces struggle to contain outbreaks of violence; undercover officers take preemptive action against potential threats to the President’s safety. His speech made, the President insists on meeting and greeting his supporters in the lobby of downtown Chicago’s Sheraton Hotel. It is 7.11 pm. Sudden gunfire. The President is hit. Pandemonium ERUPTS. President George W. Bush is rushed to hospital where he dies, 5 hours later.

My Summer of Love

Mona has just got hold of a brillant moped that only cost a tenner. No engine but still dirt-cheap. She lives with her brother, Phil, who used ti run a pub before he found God and ured away all the booze. Tamsin is rich, spoilt and trying to live a life of seductive decadence. They meet on the moors, above their quiet Yorkshire village and begin an intense, unlikely friendship. Tamsin is tragic and fantastical, Mona, rough and witty. Tamsin is charmed and Mona is hooked, Tamsin and Mona want to escape their lives but Phil wants to save them and save everybody else. Mona wants the old, dangerous Phil back; the brother that she loved. Tamsin wants to see what it takes to break him.

Super Size Me – a Film of Epic Portions

Why are Americans so fat? Ominously, 37‚Ǩ of American children and adolescents are carrying too much fat and two out of every three adults are overweight or obese. Is it our fault for lacking self-control, or are the fast food corportations to blame? Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock hit the road and interviewed experts in 20 U.S. cities. From Surgeon Generals to gym teachers, cooks to kids, these authorities shared their research and opinions. During the journey, Spurlock also put his own body on the line, living on nothing but McDonald’s for an entire month. Could a man live on fast food alone? The film explores the horror of school lunch programs, declining health and physical education classes, food addictions and the extreme measures people take to lose weight and regain their health.

It's a Free World

Angie may not have much formal education, but she’s got energy, wit and ambition, and she’s in her prime. She’s been messed about in the past and she’s fed up. She has a point to prove. This is her moment. Angie sets up a recruitment agency with her flat-mate Rose, working in a twilight zone between gangmasters, employment agencies and the migrant workers they place. This is a tale set against the reality of the Anglo Saxon miracle of flexible labour, globalisation, double shifts and lots of happy, happy, happy consumers: Us.

Tom à la ferme

Tom, a young advertising copywriter, travels to the country for a funeral. There, he’s shocked to find out no one knows who he is, nor who he was to the deceased, whose brother soon sets the rules of a twisted game. In order to protect the family’s name and grieving mother, Tom now has to play the peacekeeper in a household whose obscure past bodes even greater darkness for his “trip” to the farm.


A poetic understated movie about tragedy and reconciliation in the Mississippi Delta. Lawrence and his brother live together in a small town next to young James and his mother Marlee. She is a single mother struggling to scratch a living for herself and her son. James roams the rural landscape getting into trouble. The brother’s death causes a profound ripple effect in their lives. Marlee confronts Lawrence using this opportunity to take over the property, but hope rises when she helps Lawrence in reopening his convenience store. The three of them learn gradually to get past their issues and deal with life – as a family.

Twelve and Holding

Rudy and Jacob Carges are two twin boys who are best friends, yet completely different. Rudy is athletic, brave and charismatic while his twin Jacob is quiet, timid and deeply affected by the unsightly birthmark on his face. Malee, a precocious only child of a single, emotionally detached mother, and Leonard, an overweight boy from an obese family, make up the twins’ close-knit group of friends. When Rudy dies in a fire, Jacob, Malee and Leonard each deal with this tragic event in different ways. Malee, who thinks that she is mature enough to deal with her feelings on her own, becomes obsessively fascinated with one of her mother’s patients, Gus. Leonard loses his sense of taste and proceeds to adopt a strict diet and exercise regime, which he tries to force onto his family as well. Jacob, who feels that he let his brother down by not going with him that night to the tree house, must deal with his own guilt, anger and feelings of inadequacy and betrayal…