Rio 2016

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Os próximos Jogos Olímpicos estão marcados para o Rio 2016; duas ginastas, Teodora e Andreea, de 13 e 11 anos estão num centro avançado de treinos para conseguirem fazer parte da equipa nacional romena; aqui cresce-se de um modo diferente, em esforço mas com ambição, sonhos e batalhas diárias com os próprios limites; qual das duas irá estar no Rio?

Lesser Apes

We’ve got to have courage to see “Lesser Apes”. At first sight, the stories will seem depraved, the audience will feel insecure. “Some will not accept, others will be proud of us”, tell us Emily. In the end is as simple as this: it’s a musical, animated,


She and He are travelling in the outskirts of a city seeking for a shelter. Her secret is as heavy as her suitcase, he wouldn’t care… We discover her past as they leave civilization to enter the bushes. You might think this is an initiatory film – and y


One may be tempted to see this film as a defense of BDSM rituals. Or believe it traces a parallel between a possessed girl and Israel’s citizens impregnated by the demon of racism. But what if this was actually what’s happening to Israel today? (K.S.)

Slow Action

Honored at IndisLisboa 2010, Rivers returns with an apocalyptical film on utopia. The fictional islands of Eleven, Hiva, Kanzennashima and Somerset are almost sacred, intangible places, with their progressive societies. Here we find Rivers’ sense of time,

9 Leben

9 Lives portrays some young people who left home as teenagers to live in the streets of Berlin. Maria Speth doesn’t show them in the street, she films them in the neutral set of a studio where the black and white reveals their faces, their gestures and

Palazzo delle Aquile

20 displaced families occupy the Palermo’s town hall in Italy for a month. With a fluid camera and always attentive with his framing, tefano Savona, Alessia Porto and Ester Sparatore follow the chaotic daily life of these families in the interior of the p

The Anarchist Banker

The man responsible for the actual economic crisis reveals himself as an anarchist. The interviewer seems to be out of arguments. If the speech is effective and coherent in 2011, what about if we look back to text’s date (1924) and to his auhtor (Fernando


In the present era, where the labor issues reveal their fundamental importance, a court in Swiss solves the arguments between employees and employers. Stéphane Goél focuses in the audiences in court and in the discourse of its interveners. Throughout a ri

Les Hommes Debout

80% of the workers of the mines and metallurgic French companies in the 70’s were immigrants from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. “Men Standing” crosses the memories of these workers in black and white, through the ancient factories’ ruins, following the st

South Main

“South Main” is an intimate portrait of three single African American mothers as they struggle to raise their families and regain their lives after being evicted from an apartment complex in South Los Angeles.


“Why can’t you actually find a man?” Sonbol is asked by her mother. The answer is silence. She is 35, divorced, owns her own dental practice and likes to compete against men in rally races. She lives in the Islamic Republic of Iran, fighting everyday, even against her own doubts about God and if he is on her side.


The film tells the stories of Abouk, 9, and Machiek, 15, who were abducted by a government-sponsored militia in Sudan and used as slaves in their war effort. “Slaves” is based on an interview made in 2003 and is the second film in a series of animated documentaries with and about children in difficult situations.

Połowa mnie

Aza’s life is at a standstill. Since 1 year she has been living with her family in a refugee camp, waiting for a decision from the polish government. Can living in this enclosure from one day to the next have any chance of the normality that she remembers from Chechnya?

Nuit de Chine

We go “behind-the-scenes” and meet a more intimate China, rocked by changes and the extremely complicated cultural and social realities that result. In the temporary harmony of the night, when the masks fall, we’re taken on a journey to the inside of a country and the secrets the men and women that inhabit it.

Muitos Dias tem o Mês

“Muitos Dias Tem o Mês” it’s a contemporary documentary on the Portuguese society: the Portuguese life on credit. Looking at the credit’s acquisition devices, we understand his protagonists motivations. The application for credit became vulgar and consumption became democratic. We accumulate debts, everything has a price. In a country which seems to be at sale, what’s the price of our needs?

No London Today

“No London Today” is an immersion into the world of five young refugees, Chafik, Aron, Abraham, Henok and Ermias, waiting and wandering in Calais, trying illegally to reach England.

The Act of Killing

It is one of the scariest films I’ve seen in the last decades”, says Werner Herzog (executive producer along with Errol Morris, among others). In 2002, Oppenheimer decides to go to Indonesia to film the survivors of the anti-comunist massacre of 1965-1966. Never before had their voices been heard publicly. These conversations were held in the shade of the torturers. “Ironically”, the director says, “we found more danger in filming the survivors than the executioners.” Unlike Rwanda, Indonesia has never had commissions of truth and reconciliation. The failed coup resulted in a witch hunt against supporters of the Indonesian Communist Party. Many of them were arrested, tortured and killed without a trial. The film follows Anwar Congo, one of the most dreaded torturers, who stages some of the genocide executions. Protected by the impunity of the government, these men continue to be honored as national heroes. (A. I. S.)