
Where does rain come from?)

A Primeira Vez

Rita tells us how she broke her finger for the first time.)


Surreal images hidden in the sky dance to the words of Federico García Lorca.)

O Papagaio da Miriam

The hen likes to play with Miriam’s Kite; when Miriam decides she no longer wants to play, the hen convinces her younger brother to come and play; however, with such a big kite, soon they’ll be in trouble.

O Rebanho Nuvem

The Cloudy Goats are gathered in a flock wandering in the sky; their movements determine the weather below.

Sarilhos de Ganso

Gustav, the goose from Little Red Riding Hood, goes for a walk in the forest; absent-minded, he forgets about the Bad Wolf; very soon he is in Goose Trouble.

Talento Escondido

In Feline City, there’s a cat that spends his time singing; if only he could sing… yet, things might change after enrolling in a music school; there could be a Hidden Talent.

Adeus, Verão

Farewell, Summer is the story of a baby penguin and a wolf; as the baby grows, their friendship grows too.


In Fluffy -Tiny and Friend, Tiny and Chocolat play with Chocolat’s favourite doll; eventually, Tiny breaks it and Chocolat goes back home crying; with the help of her mother, Tiny manages to fix the doll and the two resume their friendship.

O Meu Pequeno Crocodilo

In My Little Croco the life of Croco is turned upside down when unexpectedly he stumbles upon a little baby.

A Tocar Piano

Playing the Piano, a little girl enters an imaginary world where the notes from the music score turn to little creatures that play with her.