Sad Vacation

Kenji, abandoned by his mother, scrapes out a meager existence doing odd jobs including driving bar hostesses and their customers home. Besides this he takes care of the sister of an old friend in jail and a young illegal immigrant. But his life reaches a turning point when he happens to meet Chiyoko, his long lost mother. She is now married to Mamiya. They also have a teenage son, Yusuke. Subdued feelings of alarm, discomfort and resentment between Chiyoko, Kenji, and his half brother Yusuke hide underneath and are seemingly caused by the inseparable blood ties that seem to wield control over everyone’s destiny. Is blood that powerful? What exactly defines a mother or a father?

Paisagem Urbana com Rapariga e Avião

Boy meets girl. The daily life of Dino and Helena is difficult and the grief is growing in a way that encloses them while they search for an urgent solution.


When I was sixteen, I was part of a religious brotherhood. I remember, one day in March, I spent all day on a sidewalk: In exchange for a postcard, I had to harvest some money for the flowers of the Virgin‚Ķ I remember a three years old boy asking his father ‚ÄòWhat is doing this gentleman ?’ He was talking about me !…


An investigative and exploratory hands‚on gloves-off study into the practice of putting things ‚Äòoff’. Sometimes the only way to get something done is to do two dozen other things first.


A fun day at a country fair is interrupted by a tragic event.


Dust. It is everywhere and ever present. A conglomeration of the finest particles set in motion as soon as things are starting to settle. It is fought and cleared away and yet returns again even as it is being removed. A culture of dust is revealed in its concrete phenomenology as a project of perception and as an area of overlap between anthropological and philosophical knowledge. Dust marks out the limits of where we can still directly experience who we are and where we come from, what we do and what we can or should be. We are never done dealing with it. Dust will not go away.

Terra Sonâmbula

In early 1990s Mozambique, following the dissipation of the Civil War, a sensitive boy named Muidinga struggles to survive without the presence of his parents – who have long since disappeared, whereabouts unknown. As the story commences, Muidinga happens upon a diary found near a lifeless corpse that speaks of a woman on a ship seeking her estranged son. Certain that the woman in question is his mother, he embarks on a long journey in search of her, and soon gains the support and assistance of a traveling companion, the elderly Tahir. The two set out on a long trek from one refugee camp to another hoping to find at least some trace of the woman who brought Muidinga into the world.

The Second Line

After MacArthur’s savings are stolen from his federal-issue trailer, he and his cousin Natt take work gutting a house.

The Pearce Sisters

An amusingly bleak hearted tale of two weather lashed old spinsters. lol and Edna Pearce live on a remote and austere strip of coast. They scrape out a miserable existence from the sea. The Pearce Sisters is a tale of love, loneliness, guts, gore, nudity, violence, smoking and cups of tea.

Velocidade de Sedimentação

A man and a woman, strangers to each other, are stuck in a elevator for six hours. Miguel has in his hands an envelope with the results of his cancer exam and doesn’t have the courage to open it. Ana is terrified with a mouse that has invaded her home, so a part of her is relieved she’s being kept away from the apartment. These two strangers become more and more close, and even turn out to be the answers to one another problems.

Via de Acesso

The last inhabitants of Azinhaga dos Besouros, in the outskirts of Lisbon, don’t have any legal right to rehousing. They live their district’s demolition, where it will be built a rapid access road in the future.

Wu Yong

A devastating but focused and compassionate documentary about the fashion world in China, the largest exporter of garments on the planet. Useless depicts the laborers working vast factories with the efficiency and precision of machines, and also portrays the industry’s innovative fashion designers. With disarming simplicity, Jia both informs and seduces as he portrays the unknown faces of changing China.

Yours Truly

Re-assembled into a surreal city this dark romance of Frank and Charlie is told with unexpected plot twists as they sacrifice their morals to find more than what they bargain for.


Animalz is a multi-textural short film, where the urban young breakdance company B-Boy (sixteen 8-14 year-old dancers) were encouraged to bring out the animal in themselves in their energetic performances.


England, 1905. The rise and fall of a young eccentric British writer, in the early 20th century. Based on the book by Elizabeth Taylor, Angel follows the story of a young woman with incredible imagination who refuses to accept the world around her, and creates her own realities. “

27 Onças

I placed the pick axe in one of the marble joints and pressed hard. And I pressed, and I pressed. There was James Joyce. I looked to the sky and couldn’t find the moon. Based on the short story The Corpse of James Joyce, by José Luis Peixoto.


A women return to a house in the Delta del Tigre, scene of a tragedy month before. She’s confronted to her memories, her desires and her fires.


The written languages of birds come to life.