O Caso J

A staged crime in a staged trial: O Caso J.


Haunted by the phantom of the Holocaust, Sérgio Tréfaut follows the railway tracks that unite Poland, Russia and Ukraine. As the journey progresses, the post-war slogan “Never Again” will sound more like a fairy tale.


Viktoria is a paralympic athlete who starts walking again.

The Hunchback

The Hunckback pictures an emotional reintegration program.

Sem Armas

Friendship is the weakest link when you are defenseless in Sem Armas.


A woman who types subtitles feels affected by the film that she is working on. Its story is set in a quagmire and in it the characters wander endlessly. The doubt about who is creating what arises as the film moves on.

O Sul

Memories of a trip to South America in The South.

O Lugar Que Ocupas

An essayistic reflexion on mirrors, representation, theatre and the life that flows between them. This is the first feature film by Pedro Filipe Marques after the highly praised A Nossa Forma de Vida.

O Desvio de Metternich

Leopoldina stopped by the Azores when visiting D. Pedro IV, in O Desvio de Metternich.


A lying husband and a perfect wife in Young Lady.


After a car accident a man enters a Macabre house.


A boy lives alone, at night, in an abandoned mall in Heroísmo.

Estive em Lisboa e Lembrei de Você

Between fiction and documentary, Barahona adapts the homonymous book by the writer Luiz Ruffato about Brazilian emigration to Lisbon. One of these emigrants is Sérgio, a man hoping for a better life across the Atlantic.