Monkey Love

A meditation of love and longing, this film is set in the beautiful landscape of Hokkaido, Japan. A young boy, whimsically dressed in a monkey suit, searches for lost love. Pensive, lyrical and spare, this film embodies the characteristics of a Japanese haiku.

Life Inside

Life Inside is about the spirit of change. I filmed trees in 4 different seasons while I was living for one year in Philadelphia. How do they change? How do I change with them? “

Kurz Davor Ist Es Passiert

Five people in their everyday surroundings tell stories that they have never experienced personally. They recount tales of people involved in trafficking in women. They tell of exploitation, violence and force. They tell of realities which have happened and which might have happened in the places shown.

Les Hommes

At the furthermost bounds of a frozen sea, a boat approaches a land. Human silhouettes come out of it, they appear strange. From their immutable world, the ice, the stones and the animals of Greenland witness the arrival of scientists who come at summer to study them.

Lady Jibia

A woman is being watched in her kitchen and her thoughts and desires are being observed.

Lost & Found: Jim Lee

Exploring the life of modern day nomad, Jim Lee, this documentary follows his path as he travels across the ever changing face of Britain, his life in constant flux. The film was created entirely from long forgotten super-8 footage recovered from around the UK. Set to a haunting soundtrack by the directors, Lost & Found tells the honest and unique story of a man forgotten by society.

N12º13.062’/W001º32.619’ Extended

The title of the film identifies precisely but abstractly a location in Africa. We discover a site that is to all appearences an archeological ruin, but the images reveal it to be the work of two labourers.

Machines of Forgetting

Aaron Levy is an art curator in Philadelphia, USA. He is totally dependent on technology. In the film he reflects his own relationship with machines and brings us in a journey through memory and contemporary sensibility. The film is part of a series of short documentaries named Ballad of technological dependency. It is based in duet improvisations, no crew.


A young parking garage attendant with hat and trench coat and long arms conducts the cars to the one or other exit. The precise operation appears like the choreography of a powerful dance. The character of images and the musical composition annihilate boundaries, outside world and inner world merge.


A young lady, Alhelí, with a sparkly eyes searches for invisible lines where she finds herself on a stranger and her own dead in a faraway place.


The filmed diary of Vikash Dhorasoo, a French football player during the football World Cup 2006 in Germany… Substitute is a film from the perspective of the French national player Vikash Dhorasoo and the writer and musician Fred Poulet. Both shoot footage with a super-8 camera: the one his everyday experiences as an increasingly frustrated substitute player for the Équipe tricolore; the other everything that happens during his travels throughout Germany and inside the stadium at all the French games.

Sombras – Um Filme Sonâmbulo

A silent man, of volcanic, visionary instincts, lives in an old mansion with his housemaid and driver. He leaves home one morning, after waking from a long sleep, to be driven through roads and tracks. That man’s spirit, haunted by transcendent glimpses and ghosts, leads him to wander, somnambular and diffuse, through a dense forest fog. Projected on the magnetic, fluid landscape, his shadow envisions a series of characters, dishevelled spectres that pass through the world, forever living in his actions and words.

This Is My Land

A portrait of Jake Williams ‚ who lives alone within miles of forest in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Jake always has many jobs on at any one time, rarely throws anything away, is an expert mandolin player, and has compost heaps going back many years. He has a different sense of time to most people in the 21st Century.

Under the Fringe Tree

A woman, the depressing age of 24. She makes her everyday affairs in 3 spaces. (Actuality-Room, Ideal-Forest, Dream-Woodland path).

Where Is Estel?

Yesterday Estel joined the JROTC youth military program … today she is just hanging out with her friends.

You Don't Bring Me Flowers

Viewed at its seams, a collection of National Geographic landscapes from the 1960s and 70’s conjures an obsolete romanticism currently peddled to propagate entitlement and individualism from sea to shining sea; the slideshow deforms into a bright white distress signal.

Of Time and the City

Of Time and the City is both a love song and a eulogy to Liverpool. It is also a response to memory, reflection and the experience of losing a sense of place as the skyline changes and time takes it toll.

Careless Reef 4: Marsa Abu Galawa

The film is a bombardment of images and features the music of Abdel Basset Hamouda, an Egyptian performer. The structute of the film is based on the so called flicker films, in which the unconscious experience of the images is more important than the actual images.