
Bill Benson dreams of being Lucky Luke, but something gets in the way.)

Daan durft

Our biggest trips can also be made by water. That’s what little Daan will show his parents.)


Even, the brother of little Idunn thinks his sister is a Sissy and spends his time scaring her; one day she is supposed to return home earlier and stay by herself for a while so the brother has a plan to make it her scariest day; but sometimes the things we do turn against us and it becomes uncertain who the biggest sissy really is.

O Magnífico Rapaz Leão

A 19th century story, The Magnificent Lion Boy tells how an anthropologist rescues a jungle boy living among the animals and brings him to London; will he adjust to civilization?


Vigia is a documentary following a bee that, because of pollution, pesticides, and other toxic substances, decides to leave her hive looking for a more comfortable place to live in.


Zombies4Kids is a musical animated survival guide for children facing the un-dead.


Adolfo is a creature invented by a boy with devious plans to dominate the word; with the help of Mary, his favourite guinea pig, and of the loyal chicken, Pilot, who is a dog he aspires the world domination; but things might not go as planned.

Tudo sobre Dinossauros

Concerning Dinosaurs uses different techniques to tell us about these Jurassic creatures.

O Ciclo da Água

Our water use may seem very distant from the mountains, rivers and oceans that of the water cycle, but actually, we impact and affect the water cycle every day; we are Part of the Cycle.