O Deserto

During a bird migration Sabaku is separated from the group, so he needs to find a new buddy.


Ninnoc wants to adapt to the group but she’s afraid of being excluded.

O Rapaz no Oceano

Twelve-year-old Mathias discovers the need of sexual experiences on a sailing boat.)



A wolf is wandering through the woods, trying to find a peaceful spot to practise his secret hobby.

O Despertar

An old man is working as an awaker, a man who wakes up people. His life is still the same, until the day he gets an old shiny bell.

O Cão e o Passarinho

The two friends’ sporting competition in a winter scenery is unexpectedly joined by someone else: Bużka i Dzióbek.

Tábua Rasa

Kasper is about to move to another part of the country.

O Trenó

A little squirrel finds something he has never seen before.

Na Gaiola

A caged bear who can’t sing meets a little bird who can’t fly.


Two sisters play by the river until they are interrupted by two other girls.

Príncipe Ki Ki Do: o Chá

Ki Ki Do may seem like a tiny helpless chicken, yet he is a brave Japanese samurai and a passionate lover of a good cup of green tea.

O Sabor a Bacon

After an ambiguous video, rumors spread about Bilal and Adil.