During a walk in the woods, a boy finds two hedgehogs. Totally unaware of how sadistic his games were, Lunolin feels betrayed when he discovers one morning that his two friends had escaped. Becoming conscious of the value of these two living beings, he decides to offer them his protection.
It’s the Little Things that frustrate us all. Everyday sketches of a dysfunctional world in which nothing quite works and everybody has their foibles. Can the repetition of mundanity endure under extreme circumstances?
Today, 12-year-old Adipas is going to see his idol on television! Then, a short circuit suddenly puts an end to his plans. The only place that still has electricity is his grandparent’s café. However, before he manages to get there, Adipas turns the entire smal greek village upside down.
From outer space, earth seems to have lost its colour. Doctor Space flies to find out what is the matter with the planet, is it suffering from a virus
-"Swans sing before they die— ‘t were no bad thingShould certain persons die before they sing."(Samuel Taylor Coleridge) Bigshot is the director’s first animation. He worked every day during 5 months, from script writing to final editing. His ambition is now to make a series with his tiny characters…
Come inside an electric and trendy world!
Here comes Nau Caxineta that has a lot to say. It has been travelling through the sea for 1 year and 1 day. A film by the 4th grade students of the EB School of Caxinas, Vila do Conde. A free adaptation from the book A Nau Mentireta by Luisa Ducla Soares.
Two rival commanders use their soldiers as messengers and they fall in love.
About Coati shows you how to turn your weaknesses into strengths and someone who mocks at you, will eventually see the light.
The history of humanity and of our planet in four minutes.
A peculiar friendship in the artic.
When a vegetarian and a crocodile fall in love.
A young inventor and a tiny superhero defeat the town bullies.
In Mars 3752, a helmet of a cosmonaut falls right through the sky and a boy’s destiny is sealed: he’ll travel to space some day.)
The little flute goes on an adventurous journey in search of his own melody: Piccolo Concerto.
The feeding habits of the common chameleon.
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, there’s a spring in everybody’s step. It’s a perfect day until Ella steps outside. Everywhere she goes it rains.