Holly gets Even

Holly and her best friend are challenged to a girls against boys game.

Dentro da Garrafa

Lemonade Tale tells about Joonas shopping with his mom; he wants some lemonade but Mom refuses to buy it; unhappy Joonas still takes a bottle off the shelf and gets sucked into it; trapped in the bubble-soda bottle he finds a friend who helps him return.

O Coelho e o Veado

Rabbit and Deer live happily and careless until their friendship is put to the test by Deer’s new obsession to find the formula for the 3rd dimension; after an unexpected accident Deer finds himself in a new world and the two friends have to find the way back to each other.

O Papagaio da Miriam

The hen likes to play with Miriam’s Kite; when Miriam decides she no longer wants to play, the hen convinces her younger brother to come and play; however, with such a big kite, soon they’ll be in trouble.

Boneco de Areia

Being a Sandguy is hard when the sea constantly washes away the constructions made along the beach; still there is a solution for everything.


Even, the brother of little Idunn thinks his sister is a Sissy and spends his time scaring her; one day she is supposed to return home earlier and stay by herself for a while so the brother has a plan to make it her scariest day; but sometimes the things we do turn against us and it becomes uncertain who the biggest sissy really is.

O Magnífico Rapaz Leão

A 19th century story, The Magnificent Lion Boy tells how an anthropologist rescues a jungle boy living among the animals and brings him to London; will he adjust to civilization?

O Estranho Som

Trootpout plays in a small band of invisible creatures but his excited spontaneous sounds often disrupt the melody of the others and so they decide to put The Odd Sound Out; will he ever find a band with room for an odd sound?

A Família Carrossel

The Carousel Family lives in a house made of parts from a merry-go-round; the floor spins with the sound of music, and also much of what’s inside; with so much spinning, the daily life of the family is very busy.


Sam, a 13 year old boy, is appalled when he discovers that his Tits grew; even though he’s assured that his condition is normal and temporary, it is important that nobody knows about it; his dread grows when the school’s villain ‚ the only person who found out about Sam’s secret ‚ threatens to spill the beans; in the middle of such tension, none of them could have imagined the denouement.


Trampoline is an animated film showing the cinema screen as a trampoline on which people and animals are frolicking. From under the trampoline pad, we watch their capers in amusement, until things take an unexpected turn.

Ê Prova

Being a teenager isn’t easy, especially for Nayla, a Muslim-American girl whowants to join her new high school’s cheerleading squad and enrols in its Tryouts.


15-year-old Chérif feels like a million bucks behind the wheel of a stolen car. Placed under the guardianship of his Aunt and Uncle, he has to return to his apprenticeship as a mason. It’s his last chance. But every night, graffiti artists descend upon the city’s walls. And with this, a whole new world opens up before him.


Vigia is a documentary following a bee that, because of pollution, pesticides, and other toxic substances, decides to leave her hive looking for a more comfortable place to live in.


When the Wind is strong and permanent, people adjust to the conditions and life is lived according to its direction, even though one does not know the powers behind it.


Zombies4Kids is a musical animated survival guide for children facing the un-dead.

O Pequeno Tacho do Anatole

Anatole’s little saucepan follows him around everywhere; it fell on him one day and nobody really knows why. Since then, it gets stuck everywhere and it keeps him from going forward; tired of it he decides to hide so that he won’t see or be seen anymore; but, fortunately, things aren’t so simple.

O Rebanho Nuvem

The Cloudy Goats are gathered in a flock wandering in the sky; their movements determine the weather below.