Tenta Comer

15-year-old Klara and four girls and boys of the same age are Eating Lunch under the supervision of nurses at a centre for eating disorders; they have just 30 minutes to eat up.


Aggressiveness and desire to compete are part of childhood; in the boxing club of a poor neighbourhood, children find a place to channel their Fury in a controlled and liberating way.

Sarilhos de Ganso

Gustav, the goose from Little Red Riding Hood, goes for a walk in the forest; absent-minded, he forgets about the Bad Wolf; very soon he is in Goose Trouble.

Talento Escondido

In Feline City, there’s a cat that spends his time singing; if only he could sing… yet, things might change after enrolling in a music school; there could be a Hidden Talent.


37º4S are the geographical coordinates of Tristan da Cunha Islands, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where only 270 people live; Nick and Anne are local teenagers who have known each other since they were born and lovers since very young; life in the island is eventless but Anne’s just made up her mind: she’s going to study in England, 6152 miles away from Tristan.

Adivinha o que Estou a Ver

Mia convinces Ingo to play I spy with my little eye in the kitchen. The game dissolves the kitchen’s reality and melts it into a wild sea adventure.


Adolfo is a creature invented by a boy with devious plans to dominate the word; with the help of Mary, his favourite guinea pig, and of the loyal chicken, Pilot, who is a dog he aspires the world domination; but things might not go as planned.

Até o Céu Leva Mais ou Menos 15 Minutos

Até o céu leva mais ou menos 15 minutos joins in a car two mothers and three kids; it is a 15 minute drive from a children’s party to home that begins with seemingly uncontrollable chaos and ends with total tranquillity.

A Luta do Jamey

Jamey is 16 and has had a stutter since he was four-years-old; he has tried everything to change this, but nothing has helped; soon he is going to start training to become a sports teacher and needs to overcome his stuttering; in Jamey’s Fight he picks up all his courage and tries one last time.

Tudo sobre Dinossauros

Concerning Dinosaurs uses different techniques to tell us about these Jurassic creatures.

Alma Eléctrica

Electric Soul offers an electrifying view to a buzzing city.

Adeus, Verão

Farewell, Summer is the story of a baby penguin and a wolf; as the baby grows, their friendship grows too.


In Fluffy -Tiny and Friend, Tiny and Chocolat play with Chocolat’s favourite doll; eventually, Tiny breaks it and Chocolat goes back home crying; with the help of her mother, Tiny manages to fix the doll and the two resume their friendship.

Em Frente, Marchar

Forward, March! In London, troops parade to the sound of music; hearing it, a furry and happy monster joins the party.


Kush is based on a true story that occurred in India, in 1984, shortly after the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Ghandi by one of her Sikh bodyguards, which originated a wave of violence across the country; that day, a school teacher returning from a field trip, struggled to protect Kush ‚ her only Sikh student ‚ from the escalating violence.

O Meu Pequeno Crocodilo

In My Little Croco the life of Croco is turned upside down when unexpectedly he stumbles upon a little baby.


In Mythopolis legendary characters from the Greek mythology live their lives and solve their problems in today´s world.