Costa da Morte

Costa da Morte is a region in Galicia (Spain), which was considered as the end of the world during the Roman period. Its dramatic name comes from the numerous shipwrecks that happened throughout history in this area made of rocks, mist and storms. We cross this land observing the people who inhabit it, fishermen, gatherers of shellfish, loggers… The wind, the stones, the sea, and the fire, are characters in this film, and through them we approach the mystery of the landscape, understanding it as a unified ensemble with man, his history and legends.

Faroeste ‚ Um Autêntico Western

Maverick, the vulture, knows violence from the day he was born; as a grown-up he becomes the leader of an unlikely gang in Faroeste ‚ um autêntico western, a Brazilian animation that plays with the Warner Bros’ universe.

Sattuman Syyt

Hazards starts with the idea that chance guides us through life and show us in a very delicate documentary fifty years of 35mm e 16mm footage that Virke Lehtinen filmed, often by chance.

A Million Miles Away

In A Million Miles Away an adult woman (the conductor) on the edge of failing faces a pack of teenage girls (the choir) and experiences a supernatural version of coming-of-age while listening to the infectious beat of an 80s heavy metal song rearranged as a lamentation.


In the 70s, a young Yugoslavian filmmaker, Karpo Godina travelled with his camera through the flat hinterland of Vojvodina; unfortunately, only a few fragments of this original film were preserved; Karpotrotter repeats Godina’s journey, taking along fragments of the original material, in an attempt to recover what one can only assume he saw.

Anal Juke ‚ Anal Juice

Anal Juke is a bizarre Japanese animation in the form of eschatological kaleidoscope of colour and sound.


Andorre is shown as a shopping mall in the middle of mountains making dazzling promises of modern happiness.


Anomalies is a bizarre animated choreography about how we try to enrich ourselves through prayer, faith and devotion while we believe in the existence of unknowable and uncontrollable monsters.


Antero just left the prison and heads to his home village driven by revenge and hoping to recover his lost dignity; but time might have turned against him.

Blue Ruin

A classic American revenge story, Blue Ruin follows a mysterious outsider living in a wrecked old blue Pontiac whose quiet life is turned upside down when he returns to his childhood home to carry out an act of vengeance. Despite showing an obsession with guns he proves to be an amateur assassin. However, his lack of skills doesn’t stop him from winding up in a brutal fight to protect his estranged family.

Boa Noite Cinderela

Kingdom of Portugal, 1859: Boa Noite Cinderela recovers the tale in a more materialistic and carnal version, where the motivation for finding the girl who lost her shoe might not be the owner herself.


Daddies interviews ten gays who identify themselves as daddies as they undress: while explaining their identity they talk about their relationships, polyamor, their penis and sexual desires

Ennui Ennui

According to its director, Ennui Ennui is about tribal bride trading, Hillary Clinton’s selfie web presence, the drone that calls Obama ‚ÄòDaddy’, the chronic virginity of Libraries without Borders volunteers, and airborne piglets.

Hinoki Farm

Hinoki Farm introduces us to Mr. and Mrs. Kikuchi and their farm in the mountains of Kyushu, in Japan, where the daily tasks impose a particular pace and another concept of aging.

Jerry & Me

Jerry and Me traces the significance of Hollywood films, particularly Jerry Lewis’, in the life of Iranian director Mehrnaz Saeedvafa.

Junk Head 1

Junk Head 1is a stop-motion animation set in a distant future, when mankind begins a research on clones that live underground in search of lost genetic information.

L for Leisure

An impressionistic episodic comedy about laziness, wandering and wasting time. Hanging out with teenagers when you’re thirty, smoking nutmeg to get high and eating pie until you fall asleep. Set to the rhythm of the school-year calendar, the film tracks the changes to the collected spirit of a group of graduate students through 1992-93 as they go on various vacations.

Little Revolutions

Little Revolutions is set on December 25th, 1989, in New York; while a family of Romanian refugees gets ready for Christmas, on television is the trial of Ceausescu.