A large house where a daytime party takes place. The camera follows a woman whose malaise begins to bubble to the surface, until a moment of agitation paralyzes the festivities, while being instigated, filmed and contained by the different people present.

We Won’t Forget
Edgar Morais, Lucas Elliot Eberl
IndieLisboa 2021 • National Competition
United States, Fiction, 2021, 14′
Among the standard small talk of a garden party, a disruptive element emerges: the dancing body of a woman that questions the regulated forms of sociability, which are restrictive and codified by the parameters of looking good. Eberl and Morais indulge in the discomfort of the situation from an animalistic and reactive physicality. The circle gazes, like tourists at the zoo, at a body delighted by the lust of movement, the explosions of energy and the performance of contradictions. (Ricardo Vieira Lisboa)