¬°Vivan las Antipodas!

Victor Kossakovsky

IndieLisboa 2012 •

Germany, Netherlands, Argentina, Chile, Documentary, 2011, 104'′

“I was wondering, where will we end up if we start drilling on one side of the earth and coming out from the other. Since most of the globe is covered with water the answer is most likely in the middle of the ocean.” However, this film comes to prove this theory is wrong and discovers four diametrically opposite spots of land or antipodas. In the first pair, two brothers are crossing Entre Ríos in Argentina to Shanghai and from strickigly beautiful sunset we move to the busy chinese metropolis. The second antipodas takes us from Russia and lake Baikal to Chile. The third from Hawaii and volcano Kilauea to Kubu in Botswana. The final pair is in Maraflores of Spain to Castle Point of New Zealand. A trip around the world in 104 minutes and Kossakovsky as Jules Vernes offers a magnificent kaleidoscope of our world. (Nina Veligradi)