A synesthetic experience that, between the story of a couple who broke up and a phone call to Fedex asking if they would transport people, meditates on what are the best methods of getting closer to those you love.

Transportation Procedures For Lovers
Helena Estrela
IndieLisboa 2021 • International Competition, National Competition
Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Documentary, Experimental, 2021, 9′
What to do when you love someone and you can't be with them physically? Could digital communication be enough to calm down my heart? Perhaps a courier service could pack me up and ship me to my love in one or two working days. Maybe telepathy is the key! If I try really hard I'll be right there with them, mind with mind forever. One thing I know, my heart will collapse if I spend another day without my love. (Rui Mendes)
Director's Bio
Helena Estrela (1993, Porto) is a visual artist living and working in Spain. Her projects have been presented in film festivals such as the Viennale, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen and FICUNAM.