
Jessica Krummacher

IndieLisboa 2012 •

Germany, Fiction, 2011, 86'′

Fiona, a 23 year old, is hired by a German family as a maid due to the unstable emotional condition of Claudia, the mother of the family. As the film progresses you get more into the compulsive behaviour of Fiona where she behaves according to the wishes and occasionally orders of the dysfuncional family that treats her more like a servant. She gets involved in the obsession of each member of the family playing her part in the little theatrical play they have created for themselves. Mother spends more of her time in repression pretending to be the mother of a plastic doll nursing it as if she was a child rehearsing for the future mother role, having Fiona participate in her fantasy. A newcomer German director with a very distinctive cinematic language and editing style participating in the line-up with her graduation film. (Nina Veligradi)