Temporada de Patos

Fernando Eimbcke

IndieLisboa 2004 •

Mexico, Fiction, 2004, 90′

Tlatelolco, México D.F. – Sunday, 11 0’clock in the morning. Flama and Moko are fourteen and childhood friends. To survive another boring Sunday, they have everything they need: the place to themselves, video games, porno magazines, coca cola and pizza delivery. Unfortunately, the electric company, their neighbor Rita, Ulises the pizza boy, eleven seconds, The Real Madrid – Manchester United football game, a chocolate cake and a horrible Duck painting are ruining what was shaping to be a great day. But the real problems are slowly revealed: divorcing parents, loneliness, the confusion of love and friendship between teenagers as well the adult’s frustation of life. Duck Season is a film that shows us that when the light disappears, the stars can be seen.