
Sebastian Meise

IndieLisboa 2012 •

Austria, Fiction, 2011, 77'′

The tragedy of a man driven by the sexual desire for his daughter. Is it immoral? For some yes. Is it illegal? If it’s not expressed then no. Still Life could be one of the saddest and at the same time the funniest films of the year, constituting the simplest definition of tragedy. To make the long story short, if your name is not Lolita and your stepfather is your biological father it can be embarassing. How forbbiden is for a father to sleep with prostitutes naming them after his daughter and jerkking off with her childhood photos. An obvious object for him, unable to relate with her in a emotional way created an infatuation throughout his family life. A modern family tragedy filled with all the shame and guilt that surrounds the human existence. (Nina Veligradi)