
Hakan Sahin

IndieLisboa 2006 •

Canada, Fiction, 2005, 70′

It takes certain breed of men and women to live and work in such an environment. The cold, the darkness and the isolation affects each one in different ways. Life seems to loose some of its essential components in these conditions, where sometimes the distinction between what is real and what is surreal disappear… Loeffen, and his beloved dog companion Blackie are about to drive to the nearest settlement Zama, some 150 miles away. It will take him the full daylight time to drive and buy supplies for the rig crew. He can not help but feel giddy about his trip; just to escape the work and the elements; to get away from the routine, even if it happens to be for the shortest day of the year. Zama is isolated in the woods and far from the highways. It makes no sense to an outsider to consider Zama as a destination of any sort but for Loeffen it is a welcome change if nothing else. This small settlement in the middle of nowhere gives Loeffen more than he bargained, as fate and destiny conspire to bring him to an isolated cabin outside Zama for one bitterly cold night – the longest night of the year.