
Michael Glawogger

IndieLisboa 2006 •

Austria, Switzerland, Fiction, 2006, 96′

Rich slacker Sebastian’s favorite sport is slumming in Vienna’s seedy bars and cafés in search of quirky characters to toy with. He also likes surfing for young women over the internet, seducing them with elaborated stories of truth, half truth and lies. Grade school teacher Pia is his latest conquest. Or maybe this wallflower who talks to much when she’s nervous has actually conquered him? Their romance is jeopardized when Pia becomes angry about Sebastian’s latest act of flippant cruelty: just for fun, he and his friend Alex picked up an unconscious drunk off the street and drove him to the Czech Republic, where they dumped him without any ID. Pia decides to rescue this man, Kallmann, a down and out poet whose drinking binges usually result in ranting and raving and aggressive attempts to sell his poems on the street. Little does he know, he’s about to have a moment of sudden revelation, lost and alone in the wintry Czech wilderness…