Shen Tan

Johnnie To, Wai Ka-Fai

IndieLisboa 2008 •

Hong Kong, Fiction, 2007, 90′

A tale of a creatively paranoid cop named Bun, whose delusions spark creativity, whose madness unleashes freedom. When a cop mysteriously disappears, his partner falls under suspicion. Young Inspector Ho investigates and turns to his idol Bun, retired from the force after his crazy methods degenerated into unstable lunacy. Bun sees things: call them delusions or breathtakingly accurate intuitions. To and Ka-fai take these visions and incorporate them into the film’s graphic play with a formal audacity. Lau’s performances for To consistently offer quiet brilliance, subtlety, depth, and great range. Black comedy and gritty policier collide in a wild, hilarious, and disturbing entertainment. (S. Kraicer)