
Alicia Scherson

IndieLisboa 2006 •

Chile, Argentina, Fiction, 2005, 105′

Cristina, a young nurse from the countryside with big eyes and even bigger headphones, walks the streets of Santiago like a silver ball in a pinball machine, shooting from one person’s life to another’s. When she is not reading National Geographic articles to her elderly Hungarian patient Milos or flirting with a gardener in the park, she is following Tristán Greenberg , a 33-year-old architect whose wallet she finds after he is mugged. Tristán, who is temporarily unemployed while the construction workers on his project are on strike, has been dumped by his too-perfect girlfriend Irene , who it turns out is also worth following. With nowhere to go, he returns to the suburban home where he grew up, but his glamorous mother Laura is living with a sleazy magician and is soon throwing a pool party straight out of The Graduate.