
David Fenster

IndieLisboa 2013 •

EUA, Fiction, Documentary, 2012, 78′

Hybrid or fiction with a documentary basis, however we wish to name it, Pincus is an autobiographical vision of David Fenster, who used real images of interviews with his father over the years to build a narrative. In his thirties, Pincus Finster should know by now that the job is a serious thing, instead of letting his hippie friend sleep inside the houses he is responsible for remodeling, tying his own life along with the construction works. For anyone who refuses to grow up, he is quite mature when it comes to looking after his father, an Alzheimer’s patient who requires constant care. It is this paradox in limbo child-adult, and other antitheses ‚ not being able to decide between egoism and altruism, between a moving complacency and a moderate arrogance ‚ that he will fall in love with a yoga teacher (clearly using his father as bait for compassion) and seek solutions in alternative therapies for his father’s illness and his own existential crisis. The clear images of Fenster, in a documentary style, attenuate latent drama. (M. M.)