Not in Tel Aviv

Nony Geffen

IndieLisboa 2013 •

Israel, Fiction, 2012, 82′

Mischa is the anti-hero in crisis and is on the vertex of an unusual triangle of disaffection. He is fired from the school where he teaches and throws himself into a spiral of bad decisions. The character, played by Nonny Geffen who also directs the film, doesn’t waste much time thinking about what he must do. The events escalate and Mischa acts as he thinks best: kidnaps an under age student, faces a group of angry feminists, kills his mother ‚ it’s alright, she asked him to, it was just a favor – goes after an old passion. The three of them, kidnapped, kidnapper and passionate, settle in his apartment in a somewhat possessive coexistence, waiting for the moment when everything ends. Salvation comes in the form of a star of Israeli cinema. (M. M.)