O Som ao Redor

Kleber Mendonça Filho

IndieLisboa 2012 •

Brazil, Fiction, 2012, 131'′

There is a very unique environment in Neighboring Sounds, a state of soul that dwells in the neighborhood of noises, strong images and intriguing characters. The spaces surrounding them have a mix of airy and suffocating and there is always a presence lurking on and off screen. In a middle-class neighborhood in the south of Recife, urban interactions are problematized: trust, respect, authority. A military group is to provide public safety and peace, but the waters are choppy and human relations stand complex and basic instincts interfere with the rules. Children play massages on their exhausted mother’s back, adults play casual love and try to keep themselves safe. The architecture, framing the landscape, is explored as a comment and foreshadowing that something isn’t working. (Ágata Pinho)