
Michael Glawogger

IndieLisboa 2006 •

Austria, Switzerland, Documentary, 1998, 90′

At the dawn of this new millennium, and for the first time in the history of mankind, the majority of the individuals will be living in an urban milieu. Bombay, Mexico City, Moscow and New York, four examples of overpopulated metropolises, are monsters both seductive and repellent. The contradiction insinuates itself into the daily lives of those who populate these megacities, and who, day in day out, struggle for survival. These people maybe poles apart, both geographically and culturally, but there are close parallels in their daily existence, such as prostitution, homelessness, crime and drug addiction. But they also have in common resilience and hope, courage and dignity. Because this is not only a document about work, poverty, violence, love and sex. This is also a film about the beauty of people.