
Inês Oliveira

IndieLisboa 2022 •

Portugal, Documentary, 2022, 55′

A film dedicated to the career of violinist, improviser, instrumentalist and composer Carlos “Zingaro”, who is one of the most important names in Portuguese experimental music, as well as one of the great figures of European improvised music.

A deep dive into a multidisciplinary artist, perseverant, iconoclast, without a master. A pioneer in Portuguese improvisational music. Passionate about "fallible aesthetics". We meet him at 73 years old, "performing" in a fictional, abstract, cerebral, thoughtful, creative, pulsing space. His voice carries us, takes us to revisit pieces of his adventurous life, whose choices, consequences and circumstances, are analyzed today, without filters and detours.

Director's Bio

Born in Lisbon, 1976. Studied Cinema, Fine Arts and Videoart. Worked as sound editor and director assistant. Main activity has been filmmaking since 2003. Her films have been screened and awarded in dozens of festivals such as TIFF-Toronto, DocLisboa, Angers, Torino FF, among many others.