Le grand soir

Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern

IndieLisboa 2013 •

França, Bélgica, Fiction, 2012, 92′

Punk’s Not Dead. Not is the oldest punk in Europe and has a brother, Dead, who is fired from a store where he was a mattress salesman, and ends up living with his brother on the street. The two decide to launch into an open war against the consumer society and all its capitalist dreams. Together they want to be free and lead a revolution… their way. Le Grand Soir is a poetic road trip set in the peripheral, commercial zone of a city. A satirical and demanding film, from the duo of Belgian filmmakers, which proves that their filmography is absolutely unavoidable and urgent to see in this 10th edition of the festival. With this film, punk spirit is invited and with it, so are all of its spectators. We are not dead. (A. I. S.)