He Was a Giant with Brown Eyes

Eileen Hofer

IndieLisboa 2012 •

Switzerland, Azerbaijan, Documentary, 2012, 85'′

Sabina leaves Switzerland and her mother to go to Azerbaijan and be with her father and her sister. Emotionaly charged she is trying to balance herself between two worlds, two cities, two cultures, two identities. She is trying to bring things together, to form herself and also deconstruct the image of father-hero. The Azerbaijani culture and its strick tradition change the way she knows things work. What is beautiful in Switzerland is slutty in Azerbaijan yet she is willing to stay. An emotional journey into a separated family through the eyes of a 17 years old girl and through the lens of Eileen Hofer, refusing to decide between fiction and documentary, creates a honest cross-cultural portait of life, self-discovery and abandonment gaining two siters Sabina and Narmina. (Nina Veligradi)