East Punk Memories

Lucile Chaufour

IndieLisboa 2012 •

France, Documentary, 2011, 80'′

A bunch of post Hungarian punks face the camera and speak about the communism and post-communism era in Hungary. The punk era in Hungary emerged in the early 80s when the economic and cultural depression affected the country severely. It was the time when angry musicians played punk rock with anti-communist lyrics. It was a different time, the colors were different, the smells were different, the people’s faces were different, it was like an another planet comparing to Hungary now. Super-8 images of themselves when they were 20 years old stating this different planet. An exploration of life and politics in Hungary before and after the fall of Berlin Wall. The high hopes for a better world and the reality that followed where the poor became even poorer and the rich even richer. (Nina Veligradi)