
Tristan Patterson

IndieLisboa 2012 •

USA, Documentary, 2011, 74'′

Dragonslayer portrays the life and journeys of Josh a professional skateboarder aka as Skreech or Dragonslayer according to a nickname of a friend. Josh in a self-destructive mode he travels from California to Copenhagen followed by wide angle lenses and grungy atmospeare of the non pretentious kind. A documentary divided into 11 chapters titled by two word sentences of bumpy strugling in between maturity and imaturity of Josh existance. Skating in empty swimming pools, crushing in abandoned houses Josh is searching for meaning. Punkrock poetry and crude impressionism, stunning cinematography using flamboyant colors this doc is especially addressed to the dreamers and non-compromised ones. A film about youth, music, travel, love, and skate that smells like a teen spirit. (Nina Veligradi)