Cabeza de Palo

Ernesto Baca

IndieLisboa 2005 •

Argentina, Fiction, 2002, 61′

He’s a bus driver. Carrying passengers from the outskirts to the city. He lives with his wife and their little dau-ghter, in a poor neighbourhood out in the suburbs. The relationships between him and his family is shallow: they live together as if they were strangers. His work gets him constantly in touch with the fringes of society. He gets involved with a series of exotic characters, that belong to a universe of dissolute lifestyles. Amongst them, a drug dealer, a prostitut and a group of people related to pornographic films. With them he shoots a blue film. But in each of the excesses he indulges himself in, his family ties will be put to the test ‚ until the arrival of the final decision.