Barbara Albert tackles an ambitious subject: the chaos theory, applied to the daily life of her characters. The filmmaker uses Edward lorenz’ famous “butterfly effect” to set Bose Zellen in motion. A butterfly’s beating wings set off a tornado above the Gulf of Mexico that causes the crash of an airplane leaving for Europe. A single passenger survives: Manu, a young woman of 24. We see her again five years later, living in a small town in Austria, working in a local supermarket. The circle of people around her expands according to the people she meets, deliberately sought out or accidentally encountered. This fabric of interweaving lives creates a constant flux of “cause and effects”. Depending on the decisions taken by individuals, destinies change, intersect, become entangled, tending as often towards happiness as to misfortune.
Böse Zellen
Barbara Albert
IndieLisboa 2004 • International Competition
Áustria, Alemanha, Fiction, 2003, 120′