Avanti Popolo

Michael Wahrmann

IndieLisboa 2013 •

Brasil, Fiction, 2012, 72′

A piece that brings historical and autobiographical memories of the author. In this first feature film Wahrmann incorporates with subtlety and fairness various filmic materials and layers of understanding that the film proposes. Andrew goes to live with his father after a separation. His brother disappeared during the military dictatorship in Brazil. The father lives alone and reclusive in his memoirs. His only company is a dog, Whale. The reunion between the two is difficult and distant. Hoping to get close to his father, André shows Super 8 films of his brother, filmed in the 70s. Visits to the Kremlin and hymns and Soviet choruses… This claustrophobic huis clos that revisits the ghosts of the past leads us to reflect on family memories and the fight against forgetfulness. In the role of the father, Carlos Reichenbach, icon of the new Brazilian cinema and recently deceased. (A. I. S.)