A Janela (Maryalva Mix)

Edgar Pêra

IndieLisboa 2006 •

Portugal, Experimental, 2001, 104′

Santo Antoninho Square. Good Evening. Bica Neighborhood. “António!” shouts a feminine shadow. Knife thrusts. The victim runs along the funicular tracks until he reaches, panting, the Ruins of his (?) own Memory.
Six female apparitions emerge at a window with different views on the life and the personality of one António, a bon vivant from the Bica neighborhood, lover, husband (?), Fado (Fate) singer, and seller of cheap combs and other extraordinary artifacts (among which there is a fabulous and legendary elixir!).
The last feminine apparition, Marya de Fátyma, a popular Fado singer from the Bica neighborhood, an older and more experienced woman, introduces herself as António’s intimate confidante. She comments upon the rumors about António’s supposed intention to marry his supposed six lovers, and introduces the suspicion that António may have been the victim of a set up planned to have him treacherously stabbed to death.
Who is the real António? How many Antónios are there after all? And how many lovers? Did they get married? Did they kill him? Is he in Purgatory? Who is the mysterious eye that is the protagonist of the film? António? Which Antónyo? Me?? Phor phuck’s sayk!