
Conversations around Portuguese cinema and the focuses and retrospectives of the festival. This year dedicated to actors and acting in the context of the Portuguese audiovisual sector.

Forum 50 & Ousmane Sembène: Cinema as a form of reflection and political action
90′, English
27 of August 6 p.m. Cinemateca Portuguesa

A discussion around the retrospectives at IndieLisboa 2020. Many of the topics central to the Forum section of the Berlin Film Festival are also reflected in Ousmane Sembène’s filmography: the criticism of violence and colonial structures – even after the end of the regimes, feminism and class struggle, all play a central role in his films. What significance do these films have for us today? How do we see them, also in the context of the current debates that bring back many of the struggles of that time to the centre of attention? What forms of cinematic resistance are still relevant today, far beyond a mere aestheticisation of social issues? And how important is the idea of a living archive that shows in the present what, also on a social level, is still relevant?

Facebook Event

Representativity: The internal role of the Portuguese audiovisual sector in a shift of the paradigm
90′, Portuguese
1 of Setembro 5 p.m. Online

Zoom registration links:

More and better work remains to be done on representation in the Portuguese audiovisual industry. We propose a focus around the current discursive, scriptwriting and casting policies and practices which need to aim at representing reality. We bring together actors from different generations and experiences to understand what needs to be changed in a structurally racist system (also) behind the camera.

With: Ana Tang, Hoji Fortuna, Jani Zhao, Matamba Joaquim, Welket Bungué
Moderated by: Paula Cardoso (Afrolink)

Facebook Event

Humour in Portuguese Cinema
90′, Portuguese
2 of September 5 p.m. Online

Zoom registration links:

Humour in Portuguese cinema is alive and well. Recent films such as Diamantino (2018), Sadness and Joy in the Life of Giraffes (2019), Technoboss (2019), and Bruno Aleixo’s
Film (2019) are exemples of that. We bring together those who write, direct and act it
to talk about the joy, artistry and challenges of putting it into practice and making it resonate with the public. All hail goofiness.

With: Duarte Coimbra, Ivo Canelas, Rita Blanco
Moderated by: Rodrigo Nogueira (ípsilon)

Facebook Event

An actor’s work: an intergenerational conversation
90′, Portuguese
3 of September 5:30 p.m. Online

In learning the craft of acting, the transfer of knowledge between generations, whether formally or informally, assumes a role of particular importance. In an informal and expansive conversation we invite different generations of actors to share and discuss what it is like to be an actor, possible paths and experiences of training and career, contrasts of the times, new opportunities, advice, and special moments in their individual journeys.

Facebook Event

Actors: The state of play of the audiovisual sector
90′, Portuguese
04 of September 5 p.m. Online

Zoom registration links:

Amidst a worrying social, economic and political climate, we take stock of a deeply fertile and abundant professional class to give airtime to concerns of their work practice such as issues of employability, legal framework, the ever desired status of the intermittent worker, and others. A broad discussion seeking to map and point out solutions to the challenges faced by those who are the public face of the Portuguese audiovisual sector – the actors.

With:Carlos Paca (ator), Catarina Wallenstein (actress), Leonor Babo (agent), Jo Monteiro (casting director), Joana Manuel (actress), Leonor Babo (agent)
Moderator: Angêlo Torres (ator)

Facebook Event