Red Moon Tide

Lois Patiño

IndieLisboa 2020 •

Spain, Fiction, 2020, 84′

In 2014, IndieLisboa exhibited the documentary Costa da Morte taken place in that Galician region, where Patiño is from. Its landscapes and stories possess a strong oneiric and fantastic dimension. These are explored in this supernatural fiction about the search for Rubio, a diver that rescued several shipwrecked bodies. Images are paralysed here with its inhabitants. Words float as apparitions, between ghost, witches and monsters.

Alongside Eloy Enciso or Oliver Laxe, Lois Patiño belongs to a new interesting generation of the Galician cinema. In 2014, IndieLisboa showed his first feature Costa da Morte, a documentary on that Galician region from where the filmmaker is born. Now he returns to the same place exploring the mythical and supernatural imaginary of that coastal village that was once called the “end of the world”, due to its high number of shipwrecks. Their inhabitants stand still like paintings, everything happens today as it was a thousand years ago. What happened to Rubio, the diver that once fetched the bodies of the people that drowned? One thinks that maybe it was the monster that takes away those who live, but doesn’t give back their bodies. In Red Moon Tide’s universe – resembling Tarkovsky’s cinema but also H. P. Lovecraft’s literature – there are ghosts, witches, mirrors, the sea and the moon. The whispering, the walking, the waiting, the planning is made outside the images and within the sound. (Carlos Natálio)