As sessões para toda a família

Here nobody is left out: IndieJunior screening for all ages. Before everybody else, arrives Mrs. Fúnfia – Tour of Portugal. Mrs. Funfia has been wearing skirts as long as she can remember. One day, she decides to try on a pair of trousers. Driven by a new freedom of movement, she retrieves her bicycle from the storage room and sets off on a tour of Portugal. Afterwards, you need to catch Catch it!, an animated French film about a group of meerkats who take care of their beloved and unique fruit until a vulture disturbs their peace of mind. In A Géométrie Variable children and animals are changing states to illustrate the way one can sense its own body, under the eyes of others and through one’s own gaze. These are some of the short films that will be shown on the 24th (Sunday) and 1st (Sunday) of April, respectively, at Culturgest and Cinema Ideal, at 15h00 and 11h00.