
Sean Baker

IndieLisboa 2013 •

EUA, Fiction, 2012, 103′

Jane is 21 years old and lives with two other young adults, Melissa and Mikey. Wherever she goes, she is always accompanied by her dog Starlet. Chance leads her to become friends with Sadie, a lonely 85-year-old, who approaches her with the intention of extorting money. While Jane looks like a young innocent girl without vices in the eyes of Sadie, her life with Mikey and Melissa turns out to be another. Sean Baker, director of Prince of Broadway, screened at IndieLisboa in 2009, continues to surprise us with an intense film, served by an excellent work of image and excellent actresses. Undoubtedly, a great film to retain from the most recent U.S. independent production. (C. C.)