Hamburger Lektionen

Romuald Karmakar

IndieLisboa 2007 •

Germany, Documentary, 2006, 133′

At the end of the 1990s Mohammed Fazazi became Imam of the mosque in Hamburg. In January of 2000, during the last few days of Ramadan, Fazazi held a number of ‚Äòlessons’ in the mosque’s prayer room, during which those present were able to pose questions on various aspects of life that they would normally have to submit in writing. These sessions were recorded on video tape anonymously and distributed in the mosque’s book shop, but also outside the mosque. After the attacks of 11/9/2001, it became known that three of the four suicide pilots, but also others ‚ members of the so-called Hamburg Group ‚ had attended the mosque regularly, and were in close contact with Imam Fazazi.