What do these two films, She Comes Back On Thursday, by André Novais Oliveira and August Winds, by Gabriel Mascaro, have in common? Both are recent films born out of a generation of filmmakers who have shown a new Brazilian cinema to the world, they were both awarded by IndieLisboa, within a partnership with the festivals Semana dos Realizadores do Rio de Janeiro (festival in which She Comes Back On Thursday also won the award for best feature film) and Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema de Salvador da Bahia and they will both be presented in Portugal during IndieLisboa 2015.
In Semana dos Realizadores do Rio Janeiro, apart from following firsthand the new Brazilian productions exhibited at the festival, IndieLisboa also presented a show of Portuguese films by directors André Príncipe, Gabriel Abrantes, Filipa Reis, João Miller Guerra, João Salaviza, João Vladimiro and Salomé Lamas.