
Nobuhiro Suwa

IndieLisboa 2006 •

Japan, Fiction, 1999, 147′

Aki who works at a design company, and Tetsuro who is a restaurant owner, have been living together for several years. They respect each other’s independence, and have a generally carefree relationship. One morning Tetsuro receives a phone call from Shun, his 8-year-old son. Tetsuro’s ex-wife has been hospitalised with a broken leg following an automobile accident. Tetsuro brings his son to the home he shares with Aki. Aki is, at first, furious that she was not consulted before Shun arrived on her doorstep. Later, she accepts the task of caring for the boy. The new living arrangement brings unexpected stress. Aki must now handle many new chores in the house; while balancing numerous responsibilities at work. It all begins to wear on her nerves. Shun becomes homesick and runs away to his mother’s apartment. Aki begins to look for a new place to live, on her own, as she fears she will break down if she doesn’t get away.